Software in the internet:
Before, the review journals Trends in Biochemical Sciences (Computer Corner), Trends in Genetics (Genetwork & Internet Resource) and Trends in Cell Biology (Cytobytes)
regularly reported on new electronic databases and computer programs for molecular biology.
An overview about molecular biological software is given each year (since 2003) in a special issue (July) of Nucleic Acids Research.
The published articles are very useful to get fast and qualified answers to related questions.
Here you will find articles of the last three years:
The following websites offer good compilations of molecular biological programs:
- Pedro's Biomolecular Research Tools
- Paul N. Hengen's Collection of molecular biological internet resources
- Bio Netbook @ Institute Pasteur (Paris)
- Entrez platform at NIH (National Institute of Health)
- EBI: European Bioinformatics Institute
- EMBn@t: European Molecular Biology network
- ExPASy: Expert Protein Analysis System
- BCM (Baylor College of Medicine) Search Launcher
- BCM: Nucleic Acid Sequence Searches: BLAST, WU-BLAST, BEAUTY, tRNAscan
- BCM: General and Species-specific Protein Sequence / Pattern Searches: BLAST, WU-BLAST, BEAUTY, FASTA, BLITZ, BLOCKS, PPSEARCH, SSEARCH, MPsrch, Cognitor
- BCM: Pairwise Sequence Alignments: SIM, ALIGN, LALIGN, BLAST2, LAP2, PGWISE
- BCM: Multiple Sequence Alignments: Clustal, CAP, MAP, PIMA, MSA, BLOCK Maker, MEME, Match-Box
- BCM: Gene Feature Searches: Exons and Introns, Promoters, and ORFs
- BCM: Sequence Utilities: Restriction Mapping, Reverse Complements, Translations, Sequence Chopover, FASTA-Formatting
- BCM: Protein Secondary Structure Prediction: Protein Hydrophilicity/Hydrophobicity Search, SOSUI, TMpred, Coils, Paircoil, nnPredict, PSSP, SAPS, SOPM, PHDsec, PSA, Swiss-Model
- CBS Prediction Servers @ Technical University of Denmark
- SoftBerry Prediction Server at Mount Kisco, USA
- EMBOSS: European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite
Latest update of content: September 27, 2005
Ralf Koebnik
Institut de recherche pour le dèveloppement
911, Avenue Agropolis, BP 64501
34394 Montpellier, Cedex 5
Phone: +33 (0)4 67 41 62 28
Fax: +33 (0)4 67 41 61 81
Email: koebnik(at)
Please replace (at) by @.
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